trying to learn how

a journey of finding things out and maintaining direction. looking for a potential partner.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

end of the day and checking other blogs

i love reading other peoples blogs. one of my favorites is it has some eye candy and entertainment. if you go there you read the blog and click on the linked stuff and you will find an awesome amount of entertainment. like tonights blog talks about sammy chase he has two of them. then he shows this new one with a cowboy, an inspiration from brokeback mountain he says. he has two more one a continuation of the first and then a final one. if you like gayovision then you need to check out a cause des garcons, casual_in istanbul, completely naked, skooozle -which is one of my upcoming favorites, do not tell eric i said that about his site, i found his videos blogs to be very interesting.
now most of these are gay in nature. i find the ones that talk about men and show men, not privates. it has helped me to see the type of men that i like. for instance cameron in the picture above. he comes from, damn i can not find it's origin, i wil hopefully find it in the future, since i visit these sites often.
the second is interesting, love to get the calendar myself, this is front casual in istanbul.
my roommate likes older blokes, i like younger. it is interesting to get reaction from her when i am looking at the boys.
so again if you are reading my blog and have photos you would like to send to me email me at . also let me know how how you feel about my blog entries.
if you are single young man and would like a friendship with a older transwoman let me know too.
so for now, take care of yourself.


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