trying to learn how

a journey of finding things out and maintaining direction. looking for a potential partner.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

horoscope for Wednesday, May 30:

A judicious dose of charm disarms a potential aggravation. Now, this may feel strange at first -- you're used to shooting straight from the hip -- but once you see the results, you'll see that this method has potential.


June Forecast

Two major astrological events are on the horizon:
First, on June 15, Mercury goes retrograde in sensitive Cancer. This marks a wonderful time to delve into your feelings and explore -- and perhaps correct! -- those creature-of-habit patterns you just can't shake. Since Cancer also represents family and the past, the upcoming retrograde will also be a good opportunity to reconnect with relatives, as well as to reminisce and actively cherish your memories. Get out the photo album or get on the phone -- this is the perfect chance to catch up and empower yourself as an individual via the strength of your closest bonds and relationships.

The second major astrological happening in June occurs on the 21st, when the Sun enters Cancer, signaling the official start of summer! Otherwise known as the Summer Solstice, the Sun enters nurturing Cancer every year at this time. The compassionate, sensitive sign of the Crab paves the way for you to reach out to others emotionally and ensure your security in all matters, from those of the heart to the logical mind. Again, Cancer is also the sign of family, so take time to reflect on your kin and the unique ties you share.


World Environment Day [ Jun 5 ]

It's World Environment Day ! So celebrate the beauty of the Nature around you.


Love Conquers All Day [ Jun 3]

It's Love Conquers All Day ! It's the day for romance. So dedicate the day to the love of your life.


Donut Days [ Jun 1 - 2 ]

Hey, Donut Days are here ! So savor the sweet and yummy taste of Donuts.


Hug Your Cat Day [ Jun 1 ]

Hey, it's Hug Your Cat Day ! So pick up your cute little kitty and give him/ her a tight squeeze. Make your pet cat feel really special.


Poetry Day [ May 31 ]

It's Poetry Day ! So enjoy reading poems of all the great poets and try your hand at writing verses too.


World No Tobacco Day [ May 31 ]

It's World No Tobacco Day ! So create awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption. Inspire all the addicts you know to quit the habit.


Ganimedes Silva
[clubgaytoulouse] Male Models - set 20 #04

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love horoscope for Thursday, May 31:

Some fantastic new energy has you raring to go (and possibly howling at the Moon!). Do something different tonight, and be sure to get outside. How about walking or biking to that something different, for instance?


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Circus Freaks and Alice Dreger's Hermaphrodite Show

This view is a bit extreme but makes its point. To those who are unfamiliar with Alice Dreger, she has written a few works on intersex (for those unfamiliar with the term, "intersex" refers to people who were born with some combination of both gender physical characteristics) and was part of the admin at Intersex Society of North America (ISNA). Her work has tended to be respectful as a whole, although I disagree with the term that she is now championing ("DSD," which actually stigmatizes it more than the term "intersex" -- there are times, i.e. media and early self-identification, when the terms are important) and her tendency to call upon the "freakshow" mentality to draw attention. That's all easy for her to do... she's not intersexed.

The exhibit described is being put on in conjunction with Michigan State University. ( ) The following is quoted from Curtis E. Hinkle at ( ):

Circus Freaks and Alice Dreger’s Hermaphrodite Show
Alice Dreger, one of the most well-known intersex activists (who is not intersexed) will be giving a lecture relating to Disorders of Sex Development (the term she has advised doctors and professionals to call us). This lecture will be part of:

Kresge Art Museum's "Circus: The Art of the 'Strange & Curious' " exhibit. The exhibit will end with a showing of the film “Freaks”.

I have just a few questions:

1)How would women feel if the most well-known feminist was a man?

2)How would women feel if this man totally dismissed their experiences as irrelevant and was working to not only label them as inferior but genetically defective (which is what Dreger’s DSD terminology and guidelines are about)?

3)How would women feel if this famous “feminist” who was a man went about calling women pejorative names without asking them how they felt about those insulting labels?

4)How would women feel if this same feminist man was giving a lecture on feminism at an exhibit of explicit pornographic art objectifying women from an historical perspective?

5)How would women feel if this exhibit ended with a showing of “Deep Throat”?

Would women denounce this? I am certain that many would. And as an intersexed person, I am denouncing this upcoming lecture of Dreger's.

I can see some valid points in Dreger's lecture but having a non-intersexed person who will be calling me offensive names surrounded by pictures of circus freaks is not what I call intersex activism.

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love horoscope for Wednesday, May 30:

It might be the right time for some downtime, romantically speaking. You can't always be flirtatious and on fire, and right now, time spent alone is very likely time well spent. Relax and recharge.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Vision TV Program Gets a D-

I'm tempted to give it a D-. I had been sort of hoping that the pronoun troubles and emphasizing that they were "transgendered males" were isolated to the article, but this wasn't the case.

To its credit, it didn't outright criticize or condemn transition, it called it a behaviour rather than a sin, but that's still not the same as allowing for the possibility that (as the article title said) God may have made transgendered people, rather than people who "misguidedly believe" that they're transgendered. The only time we hear that God had anything to do with it was from the mouths of the interviewees themselves, and that not often. It seemed to me the same old "hate the sin / love the sinner" adage when it came to the church argument for being LGBT-affirming.

The producers tend to have some sway in putting together a production like this, and I wonder how much of what we saw was coloured by what the producers wanted to show. I don't know what the selection process was for the interviewees, but certainly their selections didn't much challenge the stereotypes that people have of transgendered people, other than to humanize us slightly. And then, all we saw of them was clothes shopping, putting on makeup, getting dressed, etc., the photo albums, and one of the girls out taking photos in male mode. All I really saw presented to viewers was a caricature, and I wonder how much of that was what the producers suggested they do for the camera, as opposed to the interviewees' own initiative.

I suppose that I shouldn't have let the other recent media treatments get my hopes up about this one.

Take care;

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horoscope for Tuesday, May 29:

You know that saying about fools rushing in where wise men fear to tread? Well, the fools probably end up having a much better time than those stuffy old wise men. So go ahead and jump in, feet first.


love horoscope for Tuesday, May 29:

If you're feeling a little ill at ease in your own skin, it may be that it's time for some rethinking. Get back to basics -- consider your values in terms of your life and love path. Perhaps it's time for a new direction.


Monday, May 28, 2007

Should we ask them in?

Joss Davilla
[clubgaytoulouse] Heureuse date

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Monday morning

It is Monday morning again. Another work week begins.
In the USA it is Memorial Day. Here it is just a plain jane day.
Watching Ellen.
Need to find a better job or a second part time one. Really need more money.

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horoscope for Monday, May 28:

Facing the truth isn't easy, but it saves so much energy -- energy you could be using much more profitably. So put aside those rose-colored glasses for now. You need to take a good, long look at what's really going on.


Monday's Marine

[clubgaytoulouse] * * * * Marine * * * *

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Chiquita-nothing but a bad bunch of bananas*

Costa Rica:
Chiquita sacks workers who reportedpoisoning
If you ran a business and some of your employees cameto tell you that workers were being sprayed with atoxic chemical, wouldn't you listen to them? And if itturned out to be true, wouldn't you praise them forreporting the problem?That's not what Chiquita, oneof the world's biggest and best known fruit companies,did. Instead, they have sacked two union members(Alexander Reyes and Marcos Borge) and ignored theirwarnings.They've refused to negotiate with the union,which has called for an international campaign ofprotest.Please take a moment to send off yourmessage:

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love horoscope for Monday, May 28:

Direct your attention outward -- to the wonders of the world around you, both large and small. Take a day trip, and bring fresh eyes and attitude with you. That vacation mind-set makes for tons of fun.


Monday's Amateur Twink

jjeeppy jjeeppy
[clubgaytoulouse] * * * * Amateur Twink * * * *

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Monday Couple

jjeeppy jjeeppy
[clubgaytoulouse] * * * * Couple * * * *

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Monday's Boy

jjeeppy jjeeppy
[clubgaytoulouse] * * * *Alain the Soccer Boy * * * *

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Dear citizen of the world,

It's time. In just 10 days the leaders of the G8 and the five other most polluting countries in the world meet in Germany. These 13 men and women will decide the fate of the world's climate. The stakes couldn't be higher.
Sent this by a friend? Save the climate before it's too late! Join over 165,000 people-
Sign the global petition NOWOver 100,000 of us joined to put the climate crisis at the top of the agenda for this summit -- and we won. We learned that global public opinion has power. But as the US and others dig in, we need an outcry like never before. For this meeting to produce not just hot air but real action, we need to deliver the largest climate petition in history by June 6th.
So add your voice today, click here:
This is an issue that concerns everyone on earth. If each of us signs and gets just 4 other friends to join us, we could raise a million voices together before it's too late.
So after you've signed, please forward this email to anyone who could help -- they too can add their support at this link:
But together we can do it,
With hope -

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

darío armando castro beltrán
uncut & horny - Southn CA
[clubgaytoulouse] uncut ck--- Russian shows it .... aLLL

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horoscope for Sunday, May 27:

Enough with this 'mistakes were made' hoo-ha. If you started on the wrong foot, be accountable for it. And don't be so hard on yourself. Nobody's perfect. Afterward, you'll find many burdens lifted from your shoulders.


love horoscope for Sunday, May 27:

Stuff you kick off now -- projects, health regimens, even flirtatious exchanges -- is smiled on by the stars. Take advantage of the cosmic boost, and take the initiative with anything you want to go extra well.


horoscope for Saturday, May 26:

You're all business early today, but later on, you're in the mood for a little frisky business. Whether that means flying a kite, playing some hooky or calling up the cutie you've had your eye on, the choice is yours.


America what is it?

uncut & horny - Southn CA
[clubgaytoulouse] Ready

America is not a country it is a continent. Which houses three separate countries. One which I live in that needs to know that we are not the USA.

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love horoscope for Saturday, May 26:

Being endlessly amusing and totally fascinating is only one aspect of charm -- there's also making others feel that way. Ask in-depth questions and be engaged -- meanwhile, you can really find out what makes them tick.


Friday, May 25, 2007

Transgender Celebration Shabbat—

San Francisco On June 1st-2nd Congregation Sha’ar Zahav will be holding a series of events in celebration of the transgender and gender-queer community to kick off Pride month. For more information, please visit:

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horoscope for Friday, May 25:

That saying about all work and no play is truer than you think. The stars say to live it up. And no, that does not mean ordering take-out and watching something different on television. Get outside. Wear something cute.


love horoscope for Friday, May 25:

Making something -- anything -- happen in the love department right now may take a little extra effort. Be ready with an overture, a smile or a question, or be ready to back-burner it for a bit.


horoscope for Thursday, May 24:

Good fences make good neighbors, and that's never been truer than right now. Someone wants to be a good friend to you, but he or she needs to know your limits. Be kind but firm about your standards.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

New keyboard

Roommate's computer gets replaced and i get a new keyboard and a mouse. Now I can use the shift key again. Thank you roommate.
Hope you like the photos today.

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jjeeppy jjeeppy
[clubgaytoulouse] * * * * Un mec sur une chaise * * * *

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Male Models

Ganimedes Silva
[clubgaytoulouse] Male Models - set 20 #01

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“Why would God make me this way?”

360 Vision[/I] is Vision TV's own self-financed current affairs program. Which means that this appears to be a transgender-positive program by and for a religious audience.
NEXT EPISODE MAY 23 / Repeats MAY 28 “Why would God make me this way?” 360 Vision examines the struggles of transgender individuals – and visits a church that embraces them.


Compact Disc Day [ May 30 ]

It's Compact Disc Day ! Time for you to jam with your friends and loved ones to have a great time compact with fun.


Bridge Day [ May 27 ]

Hey, it's Bridge Day ! Time for you to build up the bridge of friendship and love with all your friends and loved ones. Reach out to all your near and dear ones.


International Jazz Day [ May 26 ]

It's International Jazz Day ! The perfect time to enjoy the melodious oldies or play some music of your own. Jazz up the days of your friends/ family/ loved ones
