trying to learn how

a journey of finding things out and maintaining direction. looking for a potential partner.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

it is time for a three day long weekend

what a short week. it is what is known as the easter long weekend here. i had to work today instead of the afternoon shift. staff went with boss for drinks tonight.
got home and decided to check let just say awesome piece of entertainment. also a some fratpad boys. please be advised that the material should not be view for those under the age of 18 years. this cute twinky 19 year old. I like this guy, he's VERY cute!!!
then i have to read my emails. so what is good in them to share with you?
did i happen to tell you that i am jewish, actually half. i like reading the week torah readings and a commentary about the text, to learn some spiritual dynamic to my life. this week is Shabbat Hol ha-Moed Pesah. shabbat is saturday for you non jewish folk. hol ha-moed pesah is the name of the sabbath and pesah tell us that is the shabbat of the passover, for those who are not jewish. the tests for the week are Exodus 33:12 - 34:26 and Numbers 28:19 - 28:25 which one can read if one wants. this is for April 7, 2007/19 Nisan 5767 is from the jewish calendar which is lunar.
Jews are drawn to the observance of Passover. Jews gather for seders with family and community in numbers that are quite remarkable. According to recent studies, 75 percent of Jews observe some dimension of Pesah. A festive meal, the performance of rituals, and the reading of selections from the Haggadah mark the celebration.
The Haggadah counsels that even if we were all wise and fully knowledgeable of the story of the exodus, we still need to recall the event in full.
This retelling has created a common bond uniting all generations of Jews. Each gathering is informed by the experience of Jews in every generation. Each retelling adds valuable new insights to the Passover story.
sorry for the spiritual journey but i find it helpful to reconnect with my roots, what about you?
my astrologcial reading for the day states - It's easy for things to get out of hand if you're not aware of unconscious motivations. Make sure you're in tune with unresolved suppressed feelings before you join forces with your crowd this evening.
to be continued


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